Dieter Joensson
> DE
1994 to 2016
Professor of Technical Mechanics
in the Faculty of Engineering II at the
retired since
1951 born in Schönhausen/Elbe, Germany
1970 High-school diploma
Advanced High School Havelberg
1970 – 74 Studied Solid Mechanics
TU Dresden, Section Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering,
Degree in Dipl.-Ing.
1974 – 76 programmer
in the research center of the company Pumps and Compressors in
1976 – 86 Scientific assistant
at the Chair of Structural Durability at the TU Dresden, Section
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
1981 Promotion to Dr.-Ing.
TU Dresden
1986 Promotion to Dr.sc.techn.
TU Dresden
1986 – 89 Senior Research Assistant
at the Chair of Structural Dynamics at the TU Karl-Marx-Stadt, Section
Machine Components
1988 University teaching qualification Facultas docendi
TU Karl-Marx-Stadt
1989 – 91 University lecturer
Engineering college Berlin-Lichtenberg, mechanical engineering
1991 Appointment to Dr.-Ing. habil.
TU Dresden
1991 – 94 Lecturer
FHTW Berlin (later HTW Berlin), Faculty of Engineering II
1994 Appointment to professor
1976 - 2016 Teaching activity,
in particular Technical Mechanics: 80 semesters